Eine Veranstaltung der

Nuova Galleria Morone

Via Nerino 3, 20123 Milano
Telephone (+39) 02 72001994
Fax (+39) 272 002163


Victoria Fernandez

Gallery manager



Our range of artists

Our Artists

Artist details

Category: Contemporary Art

Domenico Grenci

Domenico Grenci in an almost obsessive investigation treating the female face in all of its variations and differences, represents its irreducible variety, its uniqueness and its constant fascination, irrespective of the manipulations carried out by cosmetics which at times hide its intimate truth and authenticity.

Starting from his latest intimate research on still life and in particular on flowers, a deeper meaning can be perceived, investigating the relationship between man and nature, but above all linking the human being to life and the promise of hope.

He combines the use of a very unusual material, bitumen, when working on pencil drawings and watercolours: inside the body and on the edges of the form, this material's dark and therefore 'gloomy' colour leaves halos of mistery.

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Category: Contemporary Art

Enrico Minguzzi

Enrico Minguzzi is able to confront himself with the great nineteenth-century figurative tradition, offering an enigmatic image, pervaded by feelings of restlessness. What interests him is working with a covering oil painting, of which he removes some parts. To do this he works with smooth and non-absorbent funds and the use of pigmented epoxy resin.

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Category: Contemporary Art

Marco Ferri

Marco Ferri's works, characterized by a three-dimensional accentuated, lie between painting and sculpture, although the starting point is always pictorial. An archaeological taste that has been skilfully researched through the skilful use of patinas and the formation of scratches and nicks on the painted surface that aim to reproduce those effects of wear and ageing that, in the end, make an object interesting. His works are the result, or rather the essential precipitate, of three different types of memory: historical, natural and individual.

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Category: Contemporary Art

Manuela Toselli

In the research odf Manuela Toselli, she finds inspiration in everyday life and in everything that catches her attention. The concepts she wants to convey are revised through an abstraction process and a personal interpretation. She uses silk combined sometimes with other materials.
This expressive medium holds a great conceptual value because, in order to be produced, the silkworm is killed before it completes its metamorphosis from chrysalis to butterfly, towards life.

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About us

Gallery profile

Nuova Galleria Morone was founded in 2011 in Milan (Italy) by Diego Viapiana who, for years, worked alongside the founder of the Galleria Morone opened in Milan in 1966.

Ever since its first exhibitions, Nuova Galleria Morone has given a contemporary slant to its exhibition choices, focusing on the changing expressive languages of contemporary art.

Over the years, the gallery has developed an exhibition programme of research and rediscovery. In addition to solo exhibitions, curatorial exhibition projects are developed.

Special attention is paid to young national and international artists through site-specific projects exhibited in the gallery spaces.

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Company data
