1965 geboren in Gijón, Spanien
lebt und arbeitet in Sevilla, Spanien
1997 Course: Atelier de cinema, School of Advanced Arts Aula do Risco, Lisabon, Portugal
1996 Course: Cinema e multimedia, School of Advanced Arts Aula do Risco, Lisabon, Portugal
Docktor der Bildende Künste, Universität Sevilla, Dissertation über “The aesthetics of Horror”, Sevilla, Spanien
Gast Professur an der Fakultät fpr Bildende Künste an der Universität Sevilla, Spanien
1994–95 Kurs: Cinema e televisao, School of Advanced Arts Aula do Risco, Lisabon, Portugal
1993 Kunst Hochschule, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
1992 Advanced course in multimedia studies and photography, The Camberwell College of Art, London, UK
1991 Postgraduate studies in graphics and printing, College of Art, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
1990 Wilkeys Moor Print Workshop, Devon, UK
2015 Premio Nacional de Grabado. Museo del Grabado Español Contemporáneo
2014 Premio de Fotografía Observatorio D´Achtall
2013 Winner of European Month of Photography Arendt Award. Luxemburg, Paris, Berlin
2011/2012 Beca de Arte y Mecenazgo, Fundación María Cristina Masaveu Peterson, Asturien, Spanien
2007 Beca Fundación Arte y Derecho, Madrid, Spanien
Scholarship for the creation of visual art, Fundación Arte y Derecho, Madrid, Spanien
2004 Beca de Creación Artística Contemporánea, Consejería de Cultura, Junta de Andalucía, Spain
Scholarship for the creation of contemporary art, Consejería de Cultura, Junta de Andalucía, Spain
2003 Scholarship of Visual Arts Daniel Vazquez Díaz, Delegation of Huelva, Spain
Premio Unicaja VII Certamen de Artes Plásticas, Málaga, Spain
2001 Premio Pilar Juncosa y Sotheby´s. Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró, Mallorca, Spain
Award Pilar Juncosa y Sothebys, Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró, Mallorca, Spain
2000 Grant of the Municipal Foundation of Culture, Local Government of Gijón, Spain
Award Unicaja, VI Contest of Visual Arts, Málaga, Spain
Scholarship for the creation of contemporary art, Consejería de Cultura, Junta de Andalucía, Spain
1999 Grant for the Project Portraits and Swimming Pools of the Municipal Foundation of Culture, Local Government of Gijón, Spain
1998 Grant of the Municipal Foundation of Culture, Local Government of Gijón, Spain
1997 Grant for the Project Interiores/Exteriores of the Municipal Foundation of Culture, Local Government of Gijón, Spain
1996 Scholarship of the Caja de Asturias, Project for audiovisual and multimedia research
1995 Scholarship for the education of professionals in art and cultural industries, Ministry of Culture, Madrid, Spain
1992–95 Research fellowship, Ministry of Education and Science, Madrid, Spain
1994 Scholarship for the education of professionals in art and cultural industries, Ministry of Culture, Madrid, at Aula do Risco, Lisboa, Portugal
Post-graduate scholarship for artistic creation and research of the Municipal Foundation of Culture, Local Government of Gijón, Spain
1993 Sculpture Award, exhibition of young art, Instituto de la Juventud, Junta de Andalucía, Spain
Selected for the ABC Cultural taking part in the exhibition “La. última generación de escultores”: New technologies, new models for the 21st century
1992–93 External scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Science, Madrid, Camberwell, UK
College of Art, London, UK
1991–92 Erasmus-Scholarship, College of Art, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, UK