art karlsruhe
An event presented by

Sille Gallery

Goudse Straatweg 8, 3421 GJ Oudewater

Hall map

art karlsruhe 25 I Classic Modern and Contemporary Art hall map (dm-arena): stand H4/R13

Fairground map

art karlsruhe 25 I Classic Modern and Contemporary Art fairground map: dm-arena


Tamara Sille

+31 6 52642344


Wilfred van Breda

+31 6 57757916


Our Artists

Artist details

Category: Contemporary Art

Martin Copier - Abstract Oil Stripes

Martin loves to immerse himself in a project. He wants to explore it in depth, make it his own, and investigate its boundaries. He is an artist with passion, endlessly engaged in creation. He embraces the freedom that an artist needs to follow his intuition as a necessity. His research into space stems from a deep inner conviction.

It is fascinating how he influences space and creates tension within it by adding elements such as openings, lines, light, or the characteristic woodcut prints with moving figures that define his work. His art demonstrates that occupying space is a choice—just as giving space, sharing space, or claiming space is. In this way, his work becomes an encouragement, a confirmation to follow your own path.

You are drawn into his work, and the viewer enters a new universe.

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Category: sculpture:spot, Contemporary Art

Angelo Moyano - Sculptures of various materials

Born in Spain. Raised in the Netherlands.

For Angelo, natural stone is the ideal material for sculpting. Drawn to its purity and clarity, fascinated by its colors, shapes, and curious about the character of the stone. His greatest source of inspiration is the woman; her character, sensuality, natural curves, and movements.

By working with corten steel, he is able to transform his stone forms into large-scale works. Moyano is a multidisciplinary artist. His talent for design and working with balance comes from his earlier experience in the motorcycle industry. Balancing, calculating, sketching his ideas, working with metal, cutting and shaping, and even welding, he does all himself.

Angelo Moyano also works on commission. Contact Sille Gallery for possibilities.

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Category: Contemporary Art

Geeske van de Molengraft - Light Wall Objects

In 1997, Geeske left the Design Academy in her first year to start and complete a program in spatial and advertising design at St. Lucas in Boxtel. She worked in her field for only a short time—she wanted to explore the world! After returning, she ended up in a completely different industry, but in her free time, she remained creatively active. Due to this innate drive and a lack of time to express it, she founded Atelier G in 2018 to focus on what she loves most: designing and creating minimalist wall objects with light as a recurring theme. Geeske creates wall objects in which light plays a central role—whether literally, indirectly, or within the composition.

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Category: Contemporary Art

Saskia Hoeboer - Small Art Handmade

Saskia’s passion for visual art has grown exponentially since the 1980s and has never left her since. Her work is characterized by a deep love for human forms, refined details, and a playful sense of humor, which is a key aspect of her creations. These elements offer her countless possibilities to express her creativity in both jewelry and artworks, with each form telling a story and adding deeper meaning to her work.

The creative process gives her the relaxation she needs. Working with materials such as clay and metals brings her peace and fulfillment. Saskia has developed her skills in a self-taught way, evolving into the artist she is today.

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Category: Contemporary Art

Frans Muhren - Sculptures of various materials

Trained as a sculptor at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam in the 1970s.
After his education, he began developing his own style, ranging from abstract-organic to abstract-geometric, and everything in between.
External influences on his work are undeniable, such as those from architecture, painting, and certain movements in art history like Futurism and Cubism. In the 1980s, he began painting more; at first, he created only paintings, and later, he started painting his sculptures.
Contrasts play an important role in his work. He works with various materials, such as wood, iron, styrofoam, plastic, acrylic, and oil paints, sometimes with volume and mass, and other times with lines that move or suggest movement.

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Category: Contemporary Art

Dindi van der Hoek - Fine Art Underwater Photograpy

Dindi van der Hoek is known for her unique and highly distinctive photographic 'water' oeuvre. Photographing water reflections has become the primary foundation of her visual language. As a viewer, you become part of surreal images that evoke a sense of confusion and seem to come from another world.

Dindi creates images that are partly photographed underwater. For many years, she worked underwater in a swimming pool, but at the end of 2019, she built a glass water basin in her studio and continued her experiments there. In this new setting, she explored the influence of ink and milk in water, creating new images that seemingly combine beauty and tranquility with a frayed darkness effortlessly. Dindi graduated in 1999 from the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. She is represented by Sille Gallery in Oudewater. Her work has been exhibited and published both nationally and internationally in recent years.

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Category: Contemporary Art

Suus Suiker - Impressionism beeswax painting

Suus Suiker trained at the Royal Academy of Visual Arts in The Hague. After a period of mainly (magical) realistic painting, Suus is increasingly captured by nature and the landscape. Her work, often on panel, is increasingly developing into a contemporary form of impressionism in a mixed technique: a symbiosis of paper, oil paint, chalk, ink and beeswax, sometimes combined with digital and/or photographic techniques.

Under the heading 'Symbiosis, she combines various images into a scene that is reminiscent of dreamy landscapes, fused nature in which color and abstraction play an important role.

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