art karlsruhe
An event presented by

Chiefs & Spirits

Prinsestraat 49, 2513 CB Den Haag
Telephone (+31) 70 3658219, (+31)647768556

This company is main gallery of

Hall map

art karlsruhe 25 I Classic Modern and Contemporary Art hall map (dm-arena): stand H4/L05

Fairground map

art karlsruhe 25 I Classic Modern and Contemporary Art fairground map: dm-arena


Ebenezer Loye

+31 647768556


Kemi Loye



Shola Loye

+31 611866058


Our Artists

Artist details

Category: one:artist show

Oliver Czarnetta

Born in Birkesdorf, Düren, Germany
Apprentinceship certification exam as stone sculptor, since then work as a freelancer
1993 - 2004
Studied history of art / philosophy, promotion
2007 - 2009
Artistic employee of the Insitut für Kunstwissenschaft at the university in Koblenz, Germany
since 2012
Lives and works in Aachen, Germany, and Leipzig, Germany

After an education as a stonemason Oliver Czarnetta (b.1966 in Dueren/Germany) studied history of art and philosophy. The work of about a hundred sculptures, created in the seven years from 2001-2008, consists mainly of human heads shown from the outside. Ultimatly the perspective was not enough for Czarnetta, so since 2006 starting with his series SPEKTRUM he has been trying to look inside the heads as if they were inhabited houses.

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Category: Contemporary Art

Stefan Gross

Stefan Gross, born in Bendorf Germany, apprenticed as a practitioner of stained glass manufacture. During his apprenticeship he was surrounded by coloured glass and learned to think in color. In 1988 he became a master of the practice and also concluded it by taking up studies of painting at art school HBK Saar, Saarbrücken. After his studies which he completed cum laude, he moved to the Netherlands. Here he lives and works, always seeking to develop new painting techniques. In ca. 2006 he developed a material of his own he now predominantly uses: "oil plastic". It results from dyeing an industrial plastic with classic oil paints. It is surface and paint in one and enables Stefan Gross to extend the painted surface three-dimensionally. "Oil plastic" is translucent and behaves, at a relatively low temperature, like glass. In his work, Stefan Gross depicts, in a colorful way, the fall of a society based on growth. "The world is a serious place these days. This is a problem I address in my work." He shows the beauty and potential of industrial production in a look back on the times in which we now live.


2024Palm Beach Modern+Contemporary, Florida, USA - Chiefs & Spirits
2024 Art Karlsruhe, Germany - Chiefs & Spirits
KunstRai Amsterdam 2025

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Category: Contemporary Art

Antje Flotho

und der Faden - geworfen, gestreut, geführt, gezogen und gerollt – folgt ihm 
Im Abspulen, Ziehen, Laufen lassen, durchläuft er die Körperform immer wieder.
Und zeichnet sich wie eine zweite Haut – eine Silhouette.
Filigrane Liniengeflechte werden Gewebe, Nervenfasern, Muskelzellen, Wirbelkörper.
Das industriell hergestellte Garn emanzipiert sich als künstlerisches Material;
öffnet sich zu poetischer Metapher und gewinnt eine neue Ausdrucksform für die Zeichnung.
Die transparente Rahmung auf Acrylglas lässt die Schwerkraft weichen – die Figur scheint zu schweben
Und so wird der Faden selbst zu einem dreidimensionalen Körper.

and the thread – being thrown, scattered, guided, pulled and rolled follows
while unwinding, pulling, running, it forms bodily shapes – over and over again.
It draws itself in many layers to form a silhouette.
And filigree meshes of lines become its tissue, nerve fibres, and muscle cells.
The industrially produced yarn emancipates itself as an artistic material;
And while opening up poetic metaphors the thread drawing gains a new form of expression.
Transparent acrylic glass frames stimulate a sense of weightlessness – the figure seems to float.
Eventually, a planar thread becomes a three-dimensional body.

1982 -89
Studium Bildende Kunst an der HBK Braunschweig bei Prof. Hinnerk Schrader, Alfred Winter-Rust – Diplom, Meisterschülerin
Residenzstipendium  Land Niedersachsen, Atelierhaus Worpswede
Reisestipendium Japan/ Hokkaido
lebt und arbeitet in Hamburg
Mitglied BBK Hamburg

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Category: Contemporary Art

Edvardas Racevicius

 1974 in Klaipeda, Litauen geboren
1982 - 1992 Eduardo Balsio-Kunstgymnasium Klaipeda,Litauen
1991 - 1992 bei dem Bildhauer Vilius Orvydas gelebt und gearbeitet
1992 - 1995 Priesterausbildung und Studium der Theologie im  
Priesterseminar Telšiai, Litauen
1995 - 1997 Studium der Theologie und Sozialpädagogik an der
Pädagogischen Universität Vilnius
seit 1997 als Bildhauer tätig
2002 Umzug nach Greifswald, Deutschland

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Category: Contemporary Art

Kerstin Vegelahn

Kerstin Vegelahn was born in 1965 in Hamburg, Germany.
After graduating in the Hamburg University of Applied Science she lived for 20 years in Paris, Barcelona, Manila and Hong Kong where she worked in Fashion Design. In 2002 she moved back to Spain and graduated with a Fine Arts degree from L’Escola superior d’Arts Aplicades y Oficis Artistics, La Llotja (Barcelona). In the Summer of 2005, she moved back to Hamburg where she currently works and lives.

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Category: Contemporary Art

Toyin Loye

Toyin Loye studied Fine Art at Obafemi Awolowo University in Ile Ife. His work has been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in Nigeria, Senegal, Argentina, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, United Kingdom, Australia, United States, Germany, Spain, Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands.

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Category: Contemporary Art

Philippine Henry de Frahan

 Friends programme Gallery 94|97 Gallery Presentation 

With Chiefs & Spirits 

Artist: Phillipine Henry de Frahan (Ixelles, Belgium1973) 

The main idea of my work is to give a second life to books, secretly hoping that the mixture of literary will work. Just as if the integration of different stories can give birth to a new work, but sculptural this time. 

I build a movement, a rhythm. I transform the book and associate light with it until a new story comes to life. 

I also wonder about the relationship to objects. The consumer society limits the use of things in time and in their destination. Bringing forgotten books back to life, giving them a new meaning is a deliberate act of upcycling. 

2023 Gallery 94|97 

Art The Hague 

KunstRai, Amsterdam 

Fine Art Fair, South hampton NY 

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Category: Contemporary Art

Nemo Jantzen

Nemo Jantzen
1970, The Netherlands

Born in 1970 in The Hague, Nemo Jantzen graduated from the RTO Art Academy in Rotterdam. Following this he worked as a graphic designer and bill-board artist in Antwerp, where he developed his early hyperrealist style, setting him on his path to be a fine artist. Forever curious, Jantzen decided to travel. Finally, deciding on Barcelona he dedicated himself to fine art as a contemporary gallerist and artist. Eager for new experiences he moved to NYC, then to contrasting Bali, gleaning influences and cultural differences along the way. Currently, he resides in the Costa Brava. Over the past 15 years, Jantzen has become a highly acclaimed international artist. His work is exhibited worldwide across the full spectrum of art galleries, art fairs, museums and important public and private collections.

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Category: Contemporary Art

RK Zerrou

Two brother with the same passion for paper, art and the process of creativity. Together we enjoy creating paperart in our studio in Leiden.
Each artwork is unique based on a set of shapes twisted masterfully into patterns, colours and shades. The design is firstly created as 2D and subsequently as 3D. After drawing the 3D design digitally, the various shapes are printed followed by the meticulous work of cutting. The last step in the process is bending each shape manually to the larger frame and glueing it all together to ensure the right 3D-effect. Once a work is completed, it is fixed with a custom made frame embedded with thick museum glass to protect the work. 

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About us

Gallery profile

INTERNATIONAL ARTGallery Chiefs & Spirits was established in 1992. It provides a forum for international Artists from Africa, Europe, Asia and Americas. The primary goal is to bridge and create artistic borderlesness. The gallery is housed in a monumental building in the historical part of The Hague. It has two exhibition rooms. Apart from regular shows organized in the gallery, Chiefs & Spirits participates in national and international art fairs.

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