art karlsruhe
An event presented by

Galerie Poll

Gipsstraße 3, 10119 Berlin
Telephone +49 30 26170 91, +49 160 801 52 82
Fax +49 30 284 96 211

Hall map

art karlsruhe 25 I Classic Modern and Contemporary Art hall map (Hall 2): stand H2/F17

Fairground map

art karlsruhe 25 I Classic Modern and Contemporary Art fairground map: Hall 2


Nana Poll

+49 (0) 160 801 52 82


Jochen L. Stöckmann

+49 (0)171 539 73 15


Eva Poll

+49 (0)30 261 70 91


Our range of artists

Our Artists

Artist details

Category: Contemporary Art

Peter Benkert

1942 born in Berlin
1962-1969 Studies of Painting at the Berlin University of Fine Arts
1967-1968 Member of the exhibition cooperation “Großgörschen 35”
1969 Master student of Prof. Fred Thieler
1969-1974 Working as an Art teacher in West Berlin
1976-1977 Working at the Pedagogical center, Berlin (job creation sheme)
1977-2003 Library employee in the UB Plansammlung of the Berlin University of Technology

Peter Benkert lives and works in Berlin.

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Category: Contemporary Art

Eric Keller

1985 born in Grimma
2006-2008 Studies of Fine arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg, with Prof. Rolf-Gunter Dienst
2008-2014 Studies of Painting at the Dresden University of Fine Arts, with Prof. Elke Hopfe and Prof. Ralf Kerbach
2016-2018 Master student at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig, with Prof. Annette Schröter

Eric Keller lives and works in Dresden and Berlin.

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Category: Contemporary Art, re:discover


1940 born as Helma Hartmann in Berlin, grew up in Wurzbach
1948 Final return of the family to Berlin
1959-1961 Training at the Vocational school for Technical Draughtswomen, Berlin
1964 Marriage to Wolfgang Petrick
1965 Birth of the daughter Nina
1974 First paintings in oil technique, Renaming to HELMA

HELMA lives and works in Berlin.

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Category: Contemporary Art

Hans Scheib

1949 born in Potsdam, grew up in East Berlin
1971-1976 Studies of Sculpture at the Dresden University of Fine Arts
1976-1984 Working as a freelance sculptor in East Berlin
1985 Moving to West Berlin
since 2001 Member of the Freie Akademie der Künste Hamburg e. V.
2004 Study visit to the Villa Romana in Florence, Workshop stay in Tbilisi (Georgia)
2007 Visiting artis at the Oberlin College (USA)
2012 Travels to Chile and Washigton, D.C.
2013 Travels to Cape Town and Baku (Azerbaijan)

Hans Scheib lives and works in Berlin.

Awards and grants
2014 Egmont Schaefer Prize for Drawing
2005 Bautzen Art Prize
1995 Award of the Academy of Arts, Berlin

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Category: Contemporary Art

Andreas Silbermann


1964 born in Wilhelmshaven
1986-1990 Studies of Painting at the Braunschweig University of Art, with Prof. Hermann Albert

Andreas Silbermann lives and works in Berlin.

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Category: Contemporary Art

Volker Stelzmann

1940 born in Dresden
1948 Moving to Leipzig
1957-1960 Apprenticeship as a precision mechanic (state-assigned)
1960-1963 Evening School of the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig, with Walter Münze
1963-1968 Studies of Graphic arts and Illustration at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig, with Prof. Gerhard-Kurt Müller
1968-1973 Working as a freelance painter in Leipzig
1970-1986 Member of the Association of Visual Artist of the GDR
1973-1986 Aspirant and Teaching at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig
1982 Professorship for Graphic arts and Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig
1986 Moving to West Berlin
1987-1988 Visiting professorship at the Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main
1988-2006 Professorship for Painting at the Berlin University of the Arts

Volker Stelzmann lives and works in Berlin and Luckau.
Awards and grants
2015 Karl Ernst Osthaus Prize of the City of Hagen
1983 National Prize of the GDR for Art and Literature
1978 Art Prize of the GDR

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Category: Post War

Gerhard Taubert

1928 born in Altenburg
1947-1948 Private pupil of Prof Heinrich Burckhardt, Altenburg
1948 Studies of Painting at the Weimar Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts, with Prof. Hanns Hoffmann-Lederer and Prof. Otto Herbig
1950 Continue of Studies of Painting at the Düsseldorf Art Academy, with Prof. Bruno Goller and Prof. Otto Pankok
seit 1952 Working as a freelance painter in Düsseldorf
1987-2002 Studio in Malemort-du-Comtat (France)
2002-2012 Studio in Roussillon (France)
2012 died in Düsseldorf
Awards and grants
1948 Maxim Gorky Award

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About us

Gallery profile

Galerie Poll was founded in 1968 in what was then West Berlin. It has been one of the leading galleries for contemporary art in Germany since 1960 and is now run by Nana Poll together with her mother Eva Poll.

The programme focuses on figurative works in painting, drawing, photography, and sculpture by artists of different generations living in Berlin and Germany.

The gallery publishes reading books, catalogues, and catalogues raisonnés of its artists in POLLeditionen, published by the Verlag Galerie Poll, and it has regularly participated in national and international art fairs since 1969. In addition, numerous original prints by the artists represented by Galerie Poll have been published since the 1960s.

Galerie Poll is a member of the Federal Association of German Galleries and Art Dealers (Bundesverband Deutscher Galerien und Kunsthändler, BVDG), the Gallery Association of Berlin (Landesverband Berliner Galerien, LVBG), and the Central Archive for German and International Art Market Research (Zentralarchiv für deutsche und internationale Kunstmarktforschung e.V., ZADIK).

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