Ende Global site tag--> EXOgallery of Stuttgart at art KARLSRUHE 24 Classic Modern and Contemporary Art in Karlsruhe
art Karlsruhe
An event presented by


Silberburgstr. 145A, 70176 Stuttgart
Telephone +49 711 28693011, +49176 47589072


Ilona Keilich


Visit us

dm-arena / H4/P04





16:00 - 17:00

Meet the Artist: Kinga Su

The artist presents her artworks and answers visitot's questions (in English and French)

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14:00 - 16:00

Meet the Artist: Lydiane Lutz

The Artists talks about her artworks and inspirations.

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Our range of artists

Our Artists

Artist details

Category: Newcomer

Kinga Su: multidisciplinary artist

Kinga Su is a multi-faceted multidisciplinary Polish artist living in Strasbourg, France. Within the vast tapestry of her creative expressions, animation emerges as the primary conduit through which she breathes life into images. Yet, her artistic yearning extends beyond the digital canvas; she ardently embraces the tactile dance with materials, through traditional graphic techniques such as linocut, drypoint, and woodcut.

Su (born in 1994 in Poland) Graduated from French Studies at the University of Warsaw and Graphic Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland. She is currently graduating from Graphic Communication at Haute École des Arts du Rhin in Strasbourg, France.

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Category: Newcomer

Lydiane Lutz

Lydiane Lutz works with an interplay of impasto and glazed areas of color. The motifs alternate between impressionistically depicted, figurative set pieces and expressive abstraction. Her approach to painting is elementary. Stylistically, the artist follows in the footsteps of the great masters of coloring such as John Singer Sargent, Claude Monet and Berthe Morisot.

Lutz (born 1981 in Stuttgart) graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich under Prof. Fridhelm and Prof. Wähner. She has been working as an artist since 2011. She lives and works in Ulm.

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Category: Newcomer, Discover

Ivo Nikic

Ivo Nikić (born in 1974 in Pristina, now Kosovo), is a Polish-Kosovan multidisciplinary artist; his work includes painting, photography, installations, objects, video, and actions in urban space.
Ivo experiments with connotations and undertones, dismantles the world into its basic elements, questions preconceived solutions, and reevaluates the categories of beauty and ugliness.

He combines elements of old masters (Hironimus Bosch, Rembrandt) with modern art such as Cy Twombly’s scribbles, mixes street art and the idea of samples identified with hip-hop music, and adds a pinch of humor to it all.

In 2003 he graduated in painting from the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, PL in the studio of Prof. Jaroslaw Modzelewski. Since then he has been an active and prolific artist. In 2006 he was an artist-in-residence fellow in Bern, Switzerland.

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About us

Gallery profile

[ ek-soh-gal-uh-ree]
  1. an exceptional actor developing emerging artists committed to creating fresh and extraordinary art; 
  2. co-creator of intellectual artistic projects meant to awaken the viewer and provide them with unprecedented emotions; 
  3. architect of new artistic expressions and yet untaken paths designed to widen the current artistic space.

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