Richard Schur
It is the work with space that appeals to the artist Richard Schur. In his paintings, he composes lines, surfaces and textures in a constructive yet highly poetic way. He himself says of his work:
"I paint the sound of color. Like a composer, I make the light of the colors resonate. I appreciate it when complex things sound light. I look for timeliness and timelessness: pictures that seem new and familiar at the same time. Independent pictorial worlds that reflect the present, yet are joyfully removed from everyday life.
For me, abstraction is a place of personal and collective memories. My visual language is a timeless, cosmopolitan form of expression. For me, abstraction means openness of mind, allowing things to happen and opening doors.
I am a poet, a composer and a son of old masters. I am interested in the emotional directness of expressionism, the clarity of hard-edge and the precision of Renaissance painters. In a long, intuitive and systematic process, I reflect on the significance of every single placement, every brushstroke: every detail has its meaning and its place in the whole.
Each of my paintings is the result of a variety of impulses: memories of beauty, of sounds and moods, of architecture and landscape. They are pictures of my individual imagination as a painter, but at the same time I am part of a social organism - as we all are. In this sense, my paintings are also metaphors: "social entities" translated into color, form and structure.